Apple thinks it can get much bigger in software

Apple thinks it can get much bigger in software

Braintree hires former Lending Club exec John MacIlwaine as CTO

Braintree hires former Lending Club exec John MacIlwaine as CTO

EA: Titanfall 2 didn’t meet sales expectations

EA: Titanfall 2 didn’t meet sales expectations

What AI is revealing about the sales process

What AI is revealing about the sales process

Battlefield 1 helps EA beat quarterly earnings targets

Battlefield 1 helps EA beat quarterly earnings targets

AI is going mobile

AI is going mobile

Trump’s FCC chair promises to slash regulations

Trump’s FCC chair promises to slash regulations

Mobile advertising: Stop fraud and step up clicks (VB Live)
VB Live

Mobile advertising: Stop fraud and step up clicks (VB Live)

Press Release

New Sector 5 Chromebooks Include Free Microsoft 365 Suite

Google open-sources Chrome for iOS

Google open-sources Chrome for iOS

SAP starts making Slack bots for its enterprise software

SAP starts making Slack bots for its enterprise software

Y Combinator backs the ACLU as the nonprofit challenges Trump

Y Combinator backs the ACLU as the nonprofit challenges Trump